Our Intelligent Vehicle Experts

Max Büttner
Multi-modal sensor fusion for
autonomous driving

Max Buettner received his M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany, in 2021. Since 2023 he is working towards his PhD, at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany. His research focus includes machine learning and object detection in the area of autonomous driving, targeting sensor fusion of mainly camera and LiDAR sensors.

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Katharina Winter
End-to-end trajectory planning with generative models

Since February 2024, Katharina Winter is pursuing her Ph.D. at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. Her research topic centers around generative end-to-end trajectory planning for autonomous driving using large language models, with a current focus on abstract representations and explainability. Katharina absolved her M.Sc. in Media Informatics with Business Administration in New Media at the LMU Munich in 2023.

Erik Schütz
Data-driven prediction based on fine-grained object attributes

Erik Schuetz received his M.Sc. degree in Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence from the Technical University of Munich in 2023. Since January 2023, Erik has been working towards his Ph.D. as a research assistant at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. His research focuses on trajectory prediction of traffic participants in the application of autonomous driving in urban areas.

Constantin Selzer
Joint prediction and planning for autonomous driving

Constantin Selzer earned his M.Sc. degree in electical engineering at the University of Applied Science in October 2022. His major field of study was autonomous systems. Since February 2023, he is working at his Ph.D. as a research associate at the University of Applied Science. His major field of research is the prediction of traffic participants and trajectory planning for autonomous vehicles in urban areas.

Mohan Ramesh
Simulation / Digital Twin models for
cooperative driving scenarios

Mohan Ramesh joined the Intelligent Vehicles lab in April 2023. Using a digital twin and VR/motion capture, his research focuses on achieving a realistic simulation of vulnerable users in urban environments, for modeling autonomous driving systems. Mohan has a B.tech in Engineering and an MSc in Business. Before starting at IVL, he worked as a Data scientist for a FinTech startup in Ireland.

Fabian Flohr
Professor for Machine Learning /
Lab Lead

Fabian B. Flohr (born in 1985) received the MSc degree in computer science from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, in 2012. He received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2018. From 2012 to 2022, he has been working with Mercedes-Benz Research & Development in Stuttgart, Germany, where he focused on automated driving and worked as technical manager in the topic Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Protection. In his role he defined and coordinated the strategic and technical vision for the VRU topic across multiple international teams. Since 2022, he is a full professor for machine learning at the Munich University for Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany, where he leads the Intelligent Vehicles Lab.

The big picture

Research @ Intelligent Vehicles Lab