

  • Generalised scenario generation from DeepScenario drone data
  • Map encoded information
  • Comparable/Combinable with existing prediction and planning algorithms
  • Comparable with other SOTA algorithms

How to

Scenario Generator

  1. Download the DeepUrban ScenarioPreprocessor
    • Construct the file system as suggested in the repository
  2. Download the scenario split of the location
    • Splits should be placed int DeepUrban/split to be used for ScenarioCreator and TrajData
  3. Choose one of the supported locations datasets
    • This step will redirect you to corresponding Location data from DeepScenario
    • Sign Up or Sign In on the DeepScenario Website
      • Currently supported Versions: Data V1, V2 and Interface V0.8, V0.9)
  4. Set source and output folder in DeepUrban/deepurban_scenariocreator/config/default.yaml
  5. DeepUrban/deepurban_scenariocreator/src/scenario_preprocessor.py to be used to build Scenarios
  6. Scenarios will be saved to DeepUrban/deepurban_scenarios/<location>

TrajData Implementation

  1. Download of corresponding lanelet2 map of the location
    • Maps should be placed in DeepUrban/maps to be loaded into TrajData
  2. Download the modified TrajData Dataloader
    • An example for the usage of DeepUrban Scenarios has been added deepurban_trajdata/examples/deepurban_example.py
    • Source directory is the DeepUrban/deepurban_scenarios folder as mentioned in Scenario Generator
  3. Furhter details can be found in the TrajData Loader DATSETS.md

Supported Locations

Further details